
http://cebooks.blogspot.com Investigating ebook technology and other digital 'contents' for PDA, especially Pocket PC (...and iPod)

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TOP 10 ebook sites
(updated April 4, 04)
1. FictionWise,
multi formats one stop shopping site, include non fiction and exclusive short fictions.
2. BlackMask, the best free ebook site in several formats.
3. PeanutPress, award winning ebook store for PDA, friendly DRM solutions.
4. Execubook, eSummaries that deliver wisdom. Perfect for PDA users.
5. eBookAd, many indies label are here
6. Univ. of Virginia Library, Free ebooks
7. FreeeLiterature dot com, classics for free
8. Memoware, free documents from volunteers.

9. ESSPC, great place to start your collection (Free)
10.The Online Book Page, from U.Penn.

5 Recommended eBooks from my ebook shelf
(April 04)
(email me for 10% off coupon)

1. Don't Know Much About History
2. Dirty Little Secrets
3. Killing The Buddha
4. The Get With the Program! Guide to Fast Food and Family Restaurants
5. Flirt Coach

Pocket PC eBooks
Bestseller List
(Jan-Mar 04)

1. Star Trek Series
2. Angels and Demons
3. Holly Bible NIV ed.
4. The Da Vinci Code
5. Deception Points
6. Letters to Penthouse XIX
7. Letters to Penthouse XVIII
8. Resolutions
9. 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom
10. Against All Enemies


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Pocket PC eBooks Watch - eBook and beyond  


Use iPod, go to jail? Keep your eyes on Congress
(This could apply for Pocket PC too)
Millions of people could soon be carrying illegal devices in their pockets.
That's the message from the ``Save the iPod'' campaign. Holmes Wilson, an organizer of the Web-based movement, warns that the Inducing Infringement of Copyrights Act now pending in Congress threatens to silence the popular music player. In other words, your right to bear beats is in danger.
The Induce Act would give the music industry and other copyright holders new legal grounds to sue any business that profits from encouraging people to illegally distribute songs, movies, software, games and other copyrighted works. The proposed law targets popular online file-swapping services such as Kazaa.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a San Francisco digital liberties group, argues that music player makers like Apple Computer also could be held liable under the act. In an academic, pot-stirring exercise, EFF attorneys drew up a hypothetical lawsuit the record labels could bring against Apple.
``A substantial element of the iPod's commercial viability can be traced to its ability to play infringing music files, whether downloaded over the Internet from peer-to-peer (``P2P'') networks or the result of promiscuous hand-to-hand copying of sound recordings among friends and acquaintances,'' wrote EFF attorneys in the fake lawsuit.
Given that the iPod holds up to 10,000 songs -- more than most people's CD collections -- ``Apple knew and intended that iPod owners would be getting their music from elsewhere, including P2P networks.''

posted by Jerry permanent link