
http://cebooks.blogspot.com Investigating ebook technology and other digital 'contents' for PDA, especially Pocket PC (...and iPod)

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TOP 10 ebook sites
(updated April 4, 04)
1. FictionWise,
multi formats one stop shopping site, include non fiction and exclusive short fictions.
2. BlackMask, the best free ebook site in several formats.
3. PeanutPress, award winning ebook store for PDA, friendly DRM solutions.
4. Execubook, eSummaries that deliver wisdom. Perfect for PDA users.
5. eBookAd, many indies label are here
6. Univ. of Virginia Library, Free ebooks
7. FreeeLiterature dot com, classics for free
8. Memoware, free documents from volunteers.

9. ESSPC, great place to start your collection (Free)
10.The Online Book Page, from U.Penn.

5 Recommended eBooks from my ebook shelf
(April 04)
(email me for 10% off coupon)

1. Don't Know Much About History
2. Dirty Little Secrets
3. Killing The Buddha
4. The Get With the Program! Guide to Fast Food and Family Restaurants
5. Flirt Coach

Pocket PC eBooks
Bestseller List
(Jan-Mar 04)

1. Star Trek Series
2. Angels and Demons
3. Holly Bible NIV ed.
4. The Da Vinci Code
5. Deception Points
6. Letters to Penthouse XIX
7. Letters to Penthouse XVIII
8. Resolutions
9. 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom
10. Against All Enemies


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iPs replacing most people's iPod
My 1GB iPs has replaced my 4G 40GB iPod for everyday use. Didn't
realize how easy it is just to plug it in, hit autofill and take off
for the day. Quick access to around 240 songs for the day. Been doing
this for about a week and I can tell you I really don't miss a screen
at all.
It's amazing how much difference there is carrying around the iPs
everywhere versus my bulky and heavy iPod (can't believe I am saying
that). The only time I see myself using my iPod will be when I am away
from my computer for longer than a day or so.

My iPod mini is languishing since I got my iPs.
It's just so easy to sling the iPs around my neck and go . . .
I only have the 512, but 130 songs (number currently on there) can
keep me amused for a long time.

the same thing happens to me. I've used mine more than 7 days now. I
carry it everywhere, everyday. so my 4G 20GB ipod is just on my table
all the time. it's like storage for more songs, albums.
even when I stay at home, I listen to music with ips, wearing my
neck. I am kind of addictive into it. so far, I only charged three
times fully. I saw only orange light one time last week. it shows
green light all the time.

Good someone else. I thought I would be shot for saying that. Me too.
My 60GB started dropping album art and locking up so I think it's
going on eBay. It seems I'm constantly tweaking my iTunes Library so
my iPod is always syncing so why not just use the shuffle instead.
Snowboarding is so much more carefree when you don't have a 1000
dollar iPod in your pocket to fall on. Most people would say don't
fall then but if your not falling your not learning. I'm glad to see
I'm not alone.

I too must admit, I use my shuffle more than my 20 gig. It is much
easier to carry and for some reason, I worry less about it than my
other iPod.

I have to agree. Since I got my 512MB shuffle I haven't used my 20GB
iPod (4G) at all. I never thought I would complain about the size of
an iPod, but once you go shuffle it is hard to go back. My iPod seems
freaking HUGE. I just leave it plugged into my inMotion speakers and
use it as a stereo.

Hahaz.. Me too.. I still tot carrying an iPod Mini is already very
light but now then i realise it is wrong.. I am using my IPs more than
my mini. In fact, I havent on my mini since I got my IPs..

posted by Jerry permanent link